One day God was looking over creation and He decided that He wasn’t really happy with the way things turned out. So He called the 3 most powerfull men on earth, Joe Biden, President of the United States, Xi Jinping, President of China and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, to come and see him. He… Continue reading The End of the World is Near!
Author: Cyberexorcist
Possessed Hardware
I did another search for possessed hardware on 8th of October 2021 and woha – there are now more then 82.000.000 search results for that term. Something is out there and its really scary… In May 2009 there where 575.000 results for “possessed hardware” on Google, now its up to 631.000 search results! Just a… Continue reading Possessed Hardware
Videos of possessed hardware
A collection of people claiming there digital devices are possessed Possessed HTC Device Possessed Computer
The phone number of Evil…
One would think that a cursed phone number should at least contain 666, but apparently things are a little bit different in Bulgaria! While it would be tempting to have such an easy phone number as 0888 888 888 to tell your friends, it appears to be not very healthy. First Bulgarian Mobitel CEO Vladimir… Continue reading The phone number of Evil…
The first possessed Iphone is out there!
Watch here! There are currently 71 search results of possessed Iphones on Youtube
The Top 10 Signs Your Computer is Possessed
10. Instead of flying appliances, your screen saver shows horned demons torturing your immediate family.
Top ten evil computers
In Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, as soon-to-be starchild Dave Bowman unplugs the last bits of its massive cybernetic brain, the insane HAL 9000 computer sings its way to oblivion: “I became operational at the H-A-L plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992. My first instructor was Mr Langley. He taught… Continue reading Top ten evil computers
Your computer may be possessed by a demon!
SAVANNAH, Ga. — Your computer may be possessed by a demon, a leading minister warns.
Why Hell is better than Microsoft Windows
Top 10 reasons why Hell is better than Windows Software!